Introduction to Python
Hello Everyone, in this series I am going to teach you about the basic python you needed to get started.
So, let’s know first WHY PYTHON?
Python is very beginner-friendly. The syntax (words and structure) is extremely simple to read and follow, most of which can be understood even if you do not know any programming.
Python has more power & it has many libraries available. So, it is a very powerful language.
Python has very high support on many websites so you can easily resolve your problems.
What Python can do?
Python is a fully functional programming language with that you can do anything which you can do with other languages.
In Python, there are “Modules” which are written in python languages which you can import and make your life little easy.
Python can be used to make games, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, create websites, GUI applications.
So, let’s get started.
Python Set up
For Linux or Mac OS etc:
No worry you got python installed by default in your OS. You can check by opening the “Terminal window” and type “Python”
~/python-exercises$ python
Python3.5.1 (r2:14541,Jan 06 2018, 07:57:53)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on mypc
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1 + 1
For Windows:
You need to go download page, select the version 3.x which is stable and best.
Run the Python installer, taking all the defaults. This will install Python in the root directory and set up some file associations.
Now Search and open IDLE.
First Program:
Type “print(“Hello World”)” directly in you IDLE or Terminal (Linux or Mac).
>>> print("Hello World")
Hello World
wow, it’s that simple.
Congratulation, you just completed your first python program.
In the next series, we will learn more about python. So be connected. Thanks for visiting.
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