File Handling in Python
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Python Files
So, for handling the Files there is a open() function which opens the file and returns the handle to do operations like, writing, reading. The code f = open(‘name’, ‘operation’) opens the file into the variable f, ready for reading operations, and use f.close() when finished. For operations we use following:
- Read : ‘r’
- write : ‘w’
- append : ‘a’ -The special mode ‘rU’ is the “Universal” option for text files where it’s smart about converting different line-endings so they always come through as a simple ‘\n’. The standard for-loop works for text files, iterating through the lines of the file (this works only for text files, not binary files).\
Let’s take example of each of the operations.
So, for writing into a file we need to open the file in write mode. After getting the handle of the file we will pass our data into the file.
Here is the code:
>>> text = "Hello, i am python. How are you?"
#Telling python that you are opening the file with write intention
>>> myfile = open('example.txt','w')
#Actually write the information
>>> myfile.write(text)
# It is important to remember to actually close the file, otherwise it will
# hang for a while and could cause problems in your script
>>> myfile.close()
For reading the file we need to open the file using the ‘r’ read mode.
>>> readfile = open('example.txt','r')
>>> print(
Hello, i am python. How are you?
>>> readfile.close()
For appending some data in the file we need to open the file in ‘a’ append mode.
>>> Append_Text= "\n New Append in my file."
>>> Append_file = open('example.txt','a')
>>> Append_file.write(Append_Text)
>>> Append_File.close()
So, that covers the basic of file operations in python.
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